Publications & Presentations
This page contains a comprehensive list of published research and presentations by Mesa Photonics staff.
Mesa Photonics Publications and Presentations:
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Kane, D. J., Very high speed single-shot ultrafast pulse measurement. In SPIE LASE, SPIE: San Francisco, CA, 2020,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Bomse, D. S., Optical Isotope Analyzer for Subsurface Gases In Proceedings of 40th Conference of Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO), Optical Society of America: San Jose, CA, 2020.
- Romanak, K. D.; Bomse, D. S., Field assessment of sensor technology for environmental monitoring using a process-based soil gas method at geologic CO2 storage sites. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2020, 96, 103003,
- Bomse, D. S.; Tso, J. E.; Flores, M. M.; Miller, J. H., Precision heterodyne oxygen-corrected spectrometry: vertical profiling of water and carbon dioxide in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Applied Optics 2020, 59 (7), B10-B17,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Krasnoperov, L. N., Imaging Technique for In Situ Cloud Characterization. In Proceedings of 39th Conference of Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, 2019,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Krasnoperov, L. N., In Situ Cloud Droplet Measurement System for Tethered Balloon Platform. In AGU Fall Meeting, AGU: San Francisco, CA, 2019. Bibcode A13T2988V
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Kane, D. J. In High repetition rate measurement of cross-correlation spectra, Proceedings of Ultrafast Optics XII, Bol, Croatia, Bol, Croatia, 2019. – Link to conference home page
- Bomse, D. S.; Flores, M. M.; Bailey, D. M.; Miller, J. H., Precision Heterodyne Oxygen-Calibration Spectrometry. Development and Initial Deployment Tests In AGU Fall Meeting, AGU: Washington, DC, 2018. – Link to abstract.
- Zhang, Y.; Kane, D. J.; Omenetto, F. G., Experimental measurement of supercontinuum coherence in tellurite photonic crystal fibers. Optics Letters 2017, 42 (23), 4857-4860,
- Romanak, K.; Womack, G.; Bomse, D. S.; Dodds, K., Carbon dioxide capture for storage in deep geologic formations. In Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations: Results from the CO2 Capture Project, vol 4, Gerdes, K. F. editor, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-1872691688
- Walker, S.; Meisenberg, C.; Bibby, R. A.; Askwith, T.; Williams, G.; Rininsland, F. H.; Pearl, L. H.; Oliver, A. W.; El-Khamisy, S.; Ward, S.; Atack, J. R., Development of an oligonucleotide-based fluorescence assay for the identification of tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP1) inhibitors. Analytical Biochemistry 2014, 454, 17-22,
- Pilgrim, J. S.; Wood, W. R.; Casias, M. E.; Vakhtin, A. B.; Johnson, M. D.; Mudgett, P. D., Optical Multi-Gas Monitor Technology Demonstration on the International Space Station. In Proceedings of 44th International Conference on Environmental Systems (AIAA), Tuscon, AZ, 2014,
- Bomse, D. S.; Ediger, M. N., Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Gases by Raman Spectroscopy with Hollow Core Fibers. Proceedings of 34th Conference of Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, 2014,
- Wood, W. R.; Casias, M. E.; Vakhtin, A. B.; Pilgrim, J. S.; Chullen, C.; Falconi, E. A. In Optical Breath Gas Sensor for Extravehicular Activity Application, Proceedings of 43rd International Conference on Environmental Systems (AIAA), Vail, CO, July 14-18, 2013; Vail, CO,
- Teale, C.; Adams, D.; Murnane, M.; Kapteyn, H.; Kane, D. J., Imaging by integrating stitched spectrograms. Optics Express 2013, 21 (6), 6783-93,
- Li, Y.; Lester Lf Fau – Chang, D.; Chang D Fau – Langrock, C.; Langrock C Fau – Fejer, M. M.; Fejer Mm Fau – Kane, D. J.; Kane, D. J., Characteristics and instabilities of mode-locked quantum-dot diode lasers. Optics Express 2013, 21(7) 8007-8017,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Krasnoperov, L. N., In Situ Aerosol Detector. NASA Tech Briefs July 1, 2011. – Link to article
- Ruff, G.; Greenberg, P.; Mudgett, P. D.; Hornung, S.; Pilgrim, J. S.; Vakhtin, A. B. In Towards the Identification of Chemical Markers for Spacecraft Post-fire Cleanup, Proceedings of 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems (AIAA), Portland, OR, July 17-21, 2011; Portland, OR, 2011.
- Xu, L.; Kane, D. J.; Trebino, R., Amplitude ambiguities in second-harmonic-generation frequency-resolved optical gating: comment. Optics Letters 2009, 34 (17), 2602,
- Schlingmann, T. R.; Rininsland, F. H.; Bartholomae, W. C.; Kuekrek, H.; Lehmann, P. V.; Tary-Lehmann, M., Vaccination with tumor cells pulsed with foreign peptide induces immunity to the tumor itself. Clinical Immunology 2009, 133 (1), 45-51,
- Freschauf, G. K.; Karimi-Busheri, F.; Ulaczyk-Lesanko, A.; Mereniuk, T. R.; Ahrens, A.; Koshy, J. M.; Rasouli-Nia, A.; Pasarj, P.; Holmes, C. F.; Rininsland, F.; Hall, D. G.; Weinfeld, M., Identification of a small molecule inhibitor of the human DNA repair enzyme polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase. Cancer Research 2009, 69 (19), 7739-46,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Peterson, K. A.; Kane, D. J., Demonstration of complex-conjugate-resolved harmonic Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography imaging of biological samples. Applied Optics 2007, 46 (18), 3870-7,
- Wittenburg, S.; Stankewicz, C.; Rininsland, F., Biotinylated peptides for rapid identification of substrates and inhibitors of kinases and phosphatases with fluorescence superquenching. Assay and Drug Development Technologies 2006, 4 (5), 535-43,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Peterson, K. A.; Kane, D. J., Resolving the complex conjugate ambiguity in Fourier-domain OCT by harmonic lock-in detection of the spectral interferogram. Optics Letters 2006, 31 (9), 1271-3,
- Stankewicz, C.; Rininsland, F. H., A robust screen for inhibitors and enhancers of phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) activities by ratiometric fluorescence superquenching. Journal of Biomolecular Screening 2006, 11 (4), 413-22,
- Paige, M. E.; Silver, J. A.; Petroski, D.; Bomse, D. S., Portable natural gas leak detector for survey inspections. In Optics East 2006, Boston, MA, 2006; Vol. 6378.
- Bomse, D. S.; Kane, D. J., An adaptive singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm for analysis of wavelength modulation spectra. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2006, 85 (2), 461,
- Rininsland, F.; Stankewicz, C.; Weatherford, W.; McBranch, D., High-throughput kinase assays with protein substrates using fluorescent polymer superquenching. BMC Biotechnology 2005, 5, 16,
- Lu, L.; Rininsland, F. H.; Wittenburg, S. K.; Achyuthan, K. E.; McBranch, D. W.; Whitten, D. G., Biocidal activity of a light-absorbing fluorescent conjugated polyelectrolyte. Langmuir: the ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids 2005, 21 (22), 10154-9,
- Chen, S.-J.; Silver, J. A.; Bomse, D. S.; Rassmussen, C. C.; Driscoll, J. F., Combustion Species Sensor for SCRAMJET Flight Instrumentation. 2005. 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 10 – 13 July 2005, Tucson, Arizona, AIAA 2005-3574. – Link to PDF
- Xia, W.; Rininsland, F.; Wittenburg, S. `K.; Shi, X.; Achyuthan, K. E.; McBranch, D. W.; Whitten, D. G., Applications of fluorescent polymer superquenching to high throughput screening assays for protein kinases. Assay and Drug Development Technologies 2004, 2 (2), 183-92,
- Rininsland, F.; Xia, W.; Wittenburg, S.; Shi, X.; Stankewicz, C.; Achyuthan, K.; McBranch, D.; Whitten, D., Metal ion-mediated polymer superquenching for highly sensitive detection of kinase and phosphatase activities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2004, 101 (43), 15295-300,
- Kumaraswamy, S.; Bergstedt, T.; Shi, X.; Rininsland, F.; Kushon, S.; Xia, W.; Ley, K.; Achyuthan, K.; McBranch, D.; Whitten, D., Fluorescent-conjugated polymer superquenching facilitates highly sensitive detection of proteases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2004, 101 (20), 7511-5,
- Bartholomae, W. C.; Rininsland, F. H.; Eisenberg, J. C.; Boehm, B. O.; Lehmann, P. V.; Tary-Lehmann, M., T cell immunity induced by live, necrotic, and apoptotic tumor cells. Journal of Immunology 2004, 173 (2), 1012-22,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Murphy, J. E.; Leone, S. R., Low-Temperature Kinetics of Reactions of OH Radical with Ethene, Propene, and 1-Butene. Journal of Physical Chemistry 2003, A107, 10055-10062,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; McCabe, D. C.; Ravishankara, A. R.; Leone, S. R., Low-Temperature Kinetics of the Reaction of the OH Radical with Hydrogen Peroxide. Journal of Physical Chemistry 2003, A107, 10642-10647,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Kane, D. J.; Wood, W. R.; Peterson, K. A., Common-path interferometer for frequency-domain optical coherence tomography. Applied Optics 2003, 42 (34), 6953-8,
- Sugawara, K.; Sobott, F.; Vakhtin, A. B., Reactions of Gold Cluster Cations Aun+ (n = 1–12) with H2S and H Journal of Chemical Physics 2003, 118, 7808-7816,
- Murphy, J. E.; Vakhtin, A. B.; Leone, S. R., Laboratory Kinetics of C2H Radical Reactions with Ethane, Propane and n-Butane at T = 96–296 K: Implications for Titan. Icarus 2003, 163, 175-181,
- Kane, D. J.; Weston, J.; Chu, K. C., Real-time inversion of polarization gate frequency-resolved optical gating spectrograms. Applied Optics 2003, 42 (6), 1140-4,
- Wang, D.; Gong, X.; Heeger, P. S.; Rininsland, F.; Bazan, G. C.; Heeger, A. J., Biosensors from conjugated polyelectrolyte complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2002, 99 (1), 49-53,
- Bomse, D. S.; Hovde, D. C.; Chen, S.-J.; Silver, J. A.; Oh, D. B.; Paige, M. E., Early fire sensing using near-IR diode laser spectroscopy, Proceedings SPIE 4817, Diode Lasers and Applications in Atmospheric Sensing (23 September 2002);
- Frequency Modulation Multiplexing for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Gases by use of Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy with Diode Lasers. Applied Optics 2002, 37(12) 2499-2501,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Heard, D. E.; , S., I. W. M,; Leone, S. R., Kinetics of Reactions of C2H Radical with Acetylene, O2, Methylacetylene, and Allene in a Pulsed Laval Nozzle Apparatus at T = 103 K. Chemical Physics Letters 2001, 344, 317-324,
- Vakhtin, A. B.; Heard, D. E.; , S., I. W. M,; Leone, S. R., Kinetics of C2H Radical Reactions with Ethene, Propene and 1-Butene Measured in a Pulsed Laval Nozzle Apparatus at T = 103 K and 296 K. Chemical Physics Letters 2001, 348, 21-26,
- Pilgrim, J. S. and Bomse, D. S., Diode-pumped, solid-state photoacoustic spectrometer, OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics (Optical Society of America, 2001), paper ME4;
- Rininsland, F. H.; Helms, T.; Asaad, R. J.; Boehm, B. O.; Tary-Lehmann, M., Granzyme B ELISPOT assay for ex vivo measurements of T cell immunity. Journal of Immunological Methods 2000, 240 (1-2), 143-55,
- Shevelev, A.; Burfeind, P.; Schulze, E.; Rininsland, F.; Johnson, T. R.; Trojan, J.; Chernicky, C. L.; Helene, C.; Ilan, J.; Ilan, J., Potential triple helix-mediated inhibition of IGF-I gene expression significantly reduces tumorigenicity of glioblastoma in an animal model. Cancer Gene Therapy 1997, 4 (2), 105-12.
- Rininsland, F.; Johnson, T. R.; Chernicky, C. L.; Schulze, E.; Burfeind, P.; Ilan, J., Suppression of insulin-like growth factor type I receptor by a triple-helix strategy inhibits IGF-I transcription and tumorigenic potential of rat C6 glioblastoma cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1997, 94 (11), 5854-9,
- Burfeind, P.; Chernicky, C. L.; Rininsland, F.; Ilan, J.; Ilan, J., Antisense RNA to the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor suppresses tumor growth and prevents invasion by rat prostate cancer cells in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1996, 93 (14), 7263-8,
- Rininsland, F.; Reiss, J., Microlesions and polymorphisms in the Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy gene. Human Genetics 1994, 94 (2), 111-6,
- Rickers, A.; Rininsland, F.; Osborne, L.; Reiss, J., Skipping of multiple CFTR exons is not a result of single exon omissions. Human Genetics 1994, 94 (3), 311-3,
- Reiss, J.; Rininsland, F., An explanation for the constitutive exon 9 cassette splicing of the DMD gene. Human Molecular Genetics 1994, 3 (2), 295-8,
- Bozon, D.; Zielenski, J.; Rininsland, F.; Tsui, L. C., Identification of four new mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene: I148T, L1077P, Y1092X, 2183AA–>G. Human Mutation 1994, 3 (3), 330-2,
- Reiss, J.; Ellermeyer, U.; Rininsland, F.; Ballhausen, P.; Lenz, U.; Wagner, S.; Schlosser, M., A comprehensive CFTR mutation analysis of German cystic fibrosis patients. Human Molecular Genetics 1993, 2 (6), 809-11,
- Rininsland, F.; Hahn, A.; Niemann-Seyde, S.; Slomski, R.; Hanefeld, F.; Reiss, J., Identification of a new DMD gene deletion by ectopic transcript analysis. Journal of Medical Genetics 1992, 29 (9), 647-51,
- Reiss, J.; Lenz, U.; Rininsland, F.; Ballhausen, P.; Drews, D.; Posselt, H. G., A novel CFTR mutation, 4035delA, detected by non-radioactive SSCP analysis. Human Genetics 1992, 90 (3), 303-4,
- Plieth, J.; Rininsland, F.; Schlosser, M.; Cooper, D. N.; Reiss, J., Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of exon 11 of the CFTR gene reliably detects more than one third of non-delta F508 mutations in German cystic fibrosis patients. Human Genetics 1992, 88 (3), 283-7,
- Niemann-Seyde, S.; Slomski, R.; Rininsland, F.; Ellermeyer, U.; Kwiatkowska, J.; Reiss, J., Molecular genetic analysis of 67 patients with Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy. Human Genetics 1992, 90 (1-2), 65-70,
- Bomse, D. S.; Stanton, A. C.; Silver, J. A., Frequency modulation and wavelength modulation spectroscopies: comparison of experimental methods using a lead-salt diode laser. Applied Optics 1992, 31 (6), 718-31,
- Bal, J.; Rininsland, F.; Osborne, L.; Reiss, J., Simple non-radioactive detection of the CFTR mutation N1303K by artificial creation of a restriction site. Molecular and Cellular Probes 1992, 6 (1), 9-11,
- Zielenski, J.; Markiewicz, D.; Rininsland, F.; Rommens, J.; Tsui, L. C., A cluster of highly polymorphic dinucleotide repeats in intron 17b of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. American Journal of Human Genetics 1991, 49 (6), 1256-62. Link to PDF
- Bomse, D. S., Dual-modulation laser line-locking scheme. Applied Optics 1991, 30 (21), 2922-4,
- Felton, P., Mantzaras, J., Bomse, D., and Woodin, R., “Initial Two-Dimensional Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements of OH Radicals in an Internal Combustion Engine,” SAE Technical Paper 881633, 1988,
- Perry, B. N., Rabinowitz, P., and Bomse, D. S., Stimulated Raman scattering with a tightly focused pump beam. Optics Letters 1988, 97 (3), 146-8,
- Moore, D. S.; Bomse, D. S.; Valentini, J. J., Photofragment spectroscopy and dynamics of the visible photodissociation of ozone. Journal of Chemical Physics 1983, 79 (4), 1745.
- Keller, R. A.; Nogar, N. S.; Bomse, D. S., Photoacoustic detection of intracavity absorption. Applied Optics 1983, 22 (21), 3331,
- Valentini, J. J.; Moore, D. S.; Bomse, D. S., Collision-free coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) of molecular photofragments. Chemical Physics Letters 1981, 83 (2), 217,
- Bomse, D. S.; Beauchamp, J. L., Infrared photochemistry of (CH3)2Cl+, (CH3)Cl(CD3)+ and (CD3)2Cl+ in the gas phase using low-intensity cw laser radiation. Chemical Physics Letters 1981, 77 (1), 25,
- Bomse, D. S.; Beauchamp, J. L., Slow multiphoton excitation as a probe of bimolecular and unimolecular reaction energetics. Multiphoton dissociation of proton-bound alcohol dimers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1981, 103 (12), 3292,
- Woodin, R. L.; Bomse, D. S.; Beauchamp, J. L., Multiphoton dissociation of molecules with low power cw infrared lasers: collisional enhancement of dissociation probabilities. Chemical Physics Letters 1979, 63 (3), 630,
- Bomse, D. S.; Woodin, R. L.; Beauchamp, J. L., Molecular activation with low-intensity CW infrared laser radiation. Multiphoton dissociation of ions derived from diethyl ether. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1979, 101 (19), 5503,
- Woodin, R. L.; Bomse, D. S.; Beauchamp, J. L., Multiphoton dissociation of molecules with low power continuous wave infrared laser radiation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1978, 100 (10), 3248,