
Below is a list of our products

Ultrafast Laser Pulse Measurement

Our FROG scan products are the only real-time ultrafast pulse characterization instruments available. Update rates are as fast as 4 Hz. We combine highly accurate and precise optical delay lines with compact spectrometers to measure pulses with durations from 12 fs to more than 10 ps. FROG scans are modular making the system compatible with a laser wavelengths from 450 to 5000 nm and a wide range of output powers, and repetition rates.

High-Speed Optical Delay Line

Peregrine optical-delay lines can be used for pump-probe measurements, THz generation, or autocorrelation. One- and 2-cm stages are available for total delays of 30 and 60 ps and step precisions of 1 and 2 fs, respectively. Response times as fast as 1 msec are possible using analog or digital electronics. Free-space and fiber-coupled options are available.

Diode Laser Spectroscopy

Tools for diode laser spectroscopy include a pre-aligned, 5.85 m path length Herriott cell and a low power, low noise diode laser controller. The Herriott cell is only 20 cm long and weighs jut 400g including a battery-biased detector. The cell is designed for use with near-infrared diode lasers. Just connect your laser fiber to the pre-aligned collimator. The laser control board (COMING SOON!) works with 14-pin butterfly laser packages.

Atmospheric Sciences

Mesa Photonics offers three products for atmospheric sciences: a high-speed droplet size analyzer for airborne applications, a portable precision droplet generator for calibration, and a laser heterodyne radiometer for atmospheric column measurements of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and oxygen.